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5 Key Performance Indicators of Ipx4 Rain Test Chamber

In the quality inspection of electronic equipment, electrical products and all kinds of outdoor equipment, the test of waterproof performance is very important. Ipx4 splash test is one of the common waterproof test classes, which can effectively evaluate the protection ability of products when affected by water splash. This paper will analyze the 5 key performance indicators of ipx4 rain test chamber chamber in detail, and combined with specific test methods and conditions.

Ⅰ、The accuracy of the test equipment.

The accuracy of the ipx4 test first depends on the precision of the ipx4 rain test chamber. In the oscillating tube splash test, the radius of the oscillating tube must be selected properly to ensure that the sample table height is in the position of the diameter of the oscillating tube. The accuracy of this position directly affects the impact angle and strength of the water spray on the sample, thus affecting the reliability of the test results.


At the same time, the design of sprinkler head and the precision of water flow control device are also very important for sprinkler spatter test. The size and shape of the nozzle must meet the standard requirements to ensure the stability of the water injection form and flow. The water flow control device should be able to accurately adjust the water flow speed to ensure that the specified 10L/min flow rate is reached.

Ⅱ、How to place sample properly?

The placement of specimens is strictly regulated in ipx4 rain test chambers. In the oscillating tube splash test, the sample is placed on the sample table so that the distance from its top to the sample spray nozzle is not more than 200mm, and the sample table does not rotate. This placement ensures that all parts of the sample are evenly impacted by the splashing, simulating the splashing situation that may occur in the real use environment.



In the sprinkler splash test, the baffle with a balancing weight installed on the equipment should be removed, so that the parallel distance between the top of the test and the nozzle of the hand-held sprinkler is between 300mm and 500mm. This distance control ensures that the water can be sprayed to cover the surface of the sample without being too close or too far away from the test result.


Reasonable sample placement can not only ensure the accuracy of the test, but also improve the efficiency of the test and reduce the repeated test and error caused by improper placement.

Ⅲ、Stable water flow

Water flow is one of the key parameters in ipx4 rain test chamber. In the swinging tube splash test, the water flow is calculated according to the number of water holes in the swinging tube, and each hole is 0.07 L/min. This means that the number of water holes on the oscillating tube and the precision of the aperture directly affect the accuracy of the water flow. In order to ensure the stability of water flow, the test equipment needs to be equipped with high-precision flow measurement and control devices, which can monitor and adjust the water flow in real time, so that it is always kept within the specified range.


In the sprinkler splash test, the water flow is 10L/min, which requires the equipment to have a strong water supply capacity and a stable pressure regulation system. The water supply system needs to be able to provide sufficient water, and the pressure regulation system needs to be able to ensure that the water pressure at the nozzle is stable, so as to ensure a constant water flow.


The stability of water flow is crucial for the consistency and comparability of test results. If the water flow fluctuation is large, it may cause the sample to be subjected to different splash intensity at different time periods, which affects the accurate evaluation of the waterproof performance of the product.

Ⅳ、 Precise control of test time

Test time is another important factor in ipx4 rain test chambering. In the oscillating tube splash test, the test time is the same as that of IPX3 type a, which is 10 min. This 10 minutes of continuous splashing can fully test the water resistance of the sample when subjected to splashing impact for a longer period of time.



In the sprinkler splash test, the test time is calculated according to the surface area of the shell of the sample to be tested, and the test time is 1min per square meter (excluding the installation area), at least 5min. This method of determining test time based on surface area is more scientific and reasonable, and can be accurately tested for samples of different sizes and shapes.


Precise control of the test time ensures that the sample is fully tested for the specified time, while avoiding inaccurate test results due to too long or too short a time. The control of test time needs to rely on high-precision timing devices and strict operating procedures to ensure that the time of each test can meet the standard requirements.


Ⅴ、Repeatability of test conditions


In order to ensure the reliability and comparability of the test results, the conditions of ipx4 rain test chamber must have good repeatability. This includes many aspects such as the swing angleof the oscillating tube, speed, water flow, sample placement and test time.


In the oscillating tube splash test, the oscillating tube swings 180° along both sides of the vertical line, a total of about 360°, and each swing (2×360°) is about 12s. The accuracy and stability of these swing parameters need to be achieved by sophisticated mechanical devices and control systems. At the same time, the temperature, humidity and other factors of the test environment also need to be kept relatively stable to avoid interference with the test results.



In the sprinkler splashing test, conditions such as the height, angleand stability of the sprinkler head flow also need to be strictly controlled to ensure that the conditions of each test are basically the same.


Only in the case of good repeatability of the test conditions, the different batches and different models of products can be accurately compared and evaluated, so as to provide a strong basis for product quality control and improvement.


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