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Analysis of IPX9K Waterproof Standard

 In today's technology era, we often see different waterproof standards on a variety of products, of which IPX9K standards have gradually become familiar to people.


The classification of waterproof grades has a series of international applicable standards as a reference, such as IEC 60529, GB4208, GB/ T10485-2007, DIN40050-9, ISO20653, ISO16750 and so on. In the waterproofing test, "IP" is the abbreviation of "Ingress Protection Rating", and the following number exactly represents the waterproofing performance rating.



The main purpose of these tests is to verify the protection of the product interface against liquid and solid particles. The two digits after the IP have a specific meaning, the first digit represents the solid state protection level, that is, the dust level we are facing, and its grade division ranges from 0 to 6; The second number is the liquid protection level, which is commonly referred to as the waterproof level test, which ranges from 0 to 8.


Under normal circumstances, the IP waterproof test is carried out under conventional atmospheric conditions, the temperature range is (23±5)℃, the atmospheric pressure is between 86Kkpa - 106kPa (860mbar-1060mbar). However, a waterproof test class such as IPX9K has specific requirements for water temperature and pressure, and the goal is to achieve a 9K waterproof class.



IPX9K is targeted at a number of specific product types, including road vehicle electrical and electronic equipment, automotive electronics, automotive parts, electrical and electronic products, communications products, and portable and outdoor products.



The IPX9K test is also known as the high pressure injection test, and a special IPX9K rain chamber is used during the test. This rain chamber has four water holes and the inner diameter of the nozzle is 12.5mm. The spray angle of the shower room has four positions, respectively 0°, 30°, 60° and 90°. At the time of the test, the sample was rotating at a speed of 5±1r.p.m. The distance between the nozzle and the sample is maintained at 100-150mm, and the injection time is 30 seconds at each position. The flow rate is controlled at 14-16l /min, the spray pressure is as high as 8000-10000kpa, and the water temperature is 80±5℃. Since the IPX9K test time was 30 seconds for each location, the total test time for the four locations was 120 seconds.



The IPX9K waterproof test has significant features. First of all, the high pressure injection method can simulate the extreme use environment, ensuring that the product can maintain good waterproof performance in the face of strong water impact. Secondly, the specific spray angle design can fully cover all parts of the product, and do not let go of any place where there may be a weak spot of waterproof. Moreover, strictly controlled water temperature, water pressure, flow and other parameters ensure the accuracy and repeatability of the test, so that different products can be fairly compared under the same test conditions. In addition, for IPX9K products, passing this test means that they can effectively resist water intrusion in harsh use environments, such as high temperature and high pressure water flow, so as to ensure the normal operation and service life of the product.



In short, the IPX9K waterproof standard provides a reliable guarantee for the waterproof performance of many products with its strict test requirements and professional test methods. In related industries, it not only improves the quality and reliability of products, but also provides consumers with a safer and more assured use experience. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people's requirements for product quality, IPX9K waterproof standards will play an important role in more fields.

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