When testing large equipment, such as new energy vehicle battery packs, aerospace devices or whole vehicle testing, one of the biggest headaches for engineers is that the larger the space of the test chamber, the more difficult it is to control the temperature. The temperature fluctuation of the traditional walk-in test chamber is usually about ±2 ° C, but LIB walk-in temperature chamber can achieve a fluctuation of ±0.5 ° C.
The air circulation system of the LIB consists of an outlet and a return air outlet, adjusting the wind direction and speed according to real-time temperature data (equipped with high-precision electrical temperature sensors), and matching the bottom return air structure, the air flow evenly permeates every corner. Continuous dynamic adjustment allows the maximum temperature difference in the large space to not exceed ±0.5 ° C.
When the traditional equipment is switched between cooling and heating, it often appears out of control for a short time. LIB's solution is that when the temperature approaches the set point, the refrigeration compressor starts to run at a reduced frequency, while the heating tube is pre-started to warm up. This hot and cold hedging technology is used to predict temperature trends.To maintain a precise temperature, you first have to lock in the energy. LIB has laid a thermal insulation layer on 6 sides of the chamber, and the thermal conductivity is ultra-low.
In addition to precise temperature and humidity control, LIB has been working on customized test scenarios for many years. Whether it is a dust test chamber that simulates desert sand, a rain test chamber that reproduces tropical rainstorms, or a uv/xenon aging chambers that accurately controls ultraviolet intensity, it can be tailored according to customer needs. These requirements can be turned into customized walk-in test chambers
For enterprises requiring large space precision temperature control, LIB offers flexible selection from 3 cubic meters to 100 cubic meters, and can customize the air duct design according to the heat output of the test object. If you are interested, you can leave your request and our team will contact you as soon as possible.